Fission Surface Power

Energy for Sustained Exploration​


Returning to the Moon’s surface for human and robotic missions is within reach with the assistance of the Fission Surface Power (FSP) project. This project works toward providing a power-rich environment supporting lunar exploration.

The FSP project seeks to bring about new capabilities supporting a lunar sustainable presence and crewed Mars exploration while providing near-term opportunities for fabrication, testing and flight of a space fission system. Additionally, this program aims to establish interdisciplinary industry teams to partner with NASA and the Department of Energy (DOE) and bring new concepts on fission surface power systems, and gain valuable insights into barriers and challenges faced by the industry in furthering space nuclear power and propulsion technologies.​

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Frequently Asked Questions

​Industry engagement is vital to the FSP project’s success, and there have been many excellent questions put forth. Idaho National Laboratory has compiled responses to many commonly asked questions into an FSP FAQ.

Note that any specific design requirements discussed herein are formally defined in the request for proposals. This list was updated on Nov. 19, 2021. Responses to additional questions will be added. To submit a question, please email Roger Chunn (​​

FSP reactors are limited to uranium fuel. No specific uranium enrichment is required. This is discussed further in the RFP. There is no additional requirement on the fuel form or type. A moderator is not required.

FSP represents a first-of-a-kind reactor that will require operation without readily available human intervention. A ground test demonstrating the full capability of the design will be required prior to the flight system deployment. As such, this ground-based demonstration system will be called a qualification unit (QU) as opposed to an EDU. An estimate of the technical, schedule and cost requirements to design, build and test a QU will be a Phase 1 requirement. The specific testing requirements are not identified as part of Phase 1.

For Phase 1, uprate capability is not a requirement. More information on technology scalability is discussed in the RFP.

This has been specified in the Phase I request for proposal.

There is no specific need driving the 1 km distance; it is an assumption in Phase I to facilitate a common set of analyses for the Phase I contractors.

This has not been determined, but per the RFP the FSP flight system cannot rely on any external power or robotic support nor astronaut involvement for system startup, shutdown, operation or maintenance.

Post-operation requirements are not included at this time.

Phase 1 is a design effort, and no GFE is expected to be provided. Applicants can identify required GFE as part of their response to a Phase 2 estimate, including fuel, infrastructure (testing facilities), shipping services, etc.

NASA/DOE research is published and widely available. Any specific unpublished research required for the purposes of the RFP will be made available to all parties responding to the RFP.

DOE nuclear safety requirements and regulations will apply should the QU be tested at DOE facilities.

Proposers are encouraged to leverage all technologies judged to best enable mission success. There are no requirements or expectations that the industry must leverage a specific technology.

No, FFRDCs are not permitted to participate as part of a responding team. However, a responding team is permitted to leverage FFDRCs during contract execution, and if so the full cost of using FFDRC capabilities should be accounted for as part of the Phase 2 cost estimate.

Yes, each responder may decide the composition of their integrated team.

The Phase 1 contract will be firm fixed price.

Contact Information

Sebastian Corbisiero

Idaho National Laboratory